Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fluorescent Lighting

T8 versus T12 fluorescent lighting, which one is the best. T8s are the newer, "more efficient" lights, and they are supposed to light at lower temperature.

I was utterly disappointed the other day going into my shop, wired with three new T8 fixtures and an old salvaged T12, none of them lit up. The temperature was only -30 deg C, and I can still expect it to go down to -40 ish before winter ends. It has warmed up to -20 deg C today, and only one of my 3 T8s lit up, I almost got more flickering light out of the T12.

Recently I found they started making the mini fluorescent lights in 42 watts, equivalent to the 150 watt incandescents. 23 watts used to be the biggest minis you could buy. If I did it all again, in the shop, I would do all 42 watt mini fluorescents in the standard porcelain base. I don't expect them to light in -30 to -40 either, but I can just unscrew them in Winter and screw in some warm incandescents for the winter. Plus the installation and fixture costs, are way down.

That is my two bits, for a more detailed comparison of T8 vs T12 go here.

I also have about 20 used T12 4', 4 tube, ceiling tile fixtures for sale. Completely working, tubes and all were $80 new, selling them for $20 each, but if you found them here I will let you have some for $10 each. They make great summer shop lights.

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